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Topic review


Re: Email notification on failure when automated scripting used

I am using WinSCP for few years already, uploading/downloading files via your scripts , but just found out that SmartFTP has email notifications in their new 3.0 release.

So I am wondering if WinSCP will use email feature anytime soon.


Re: Email notification on failure when automated scripting used

I am using WinSCP for few years already, uploading/downloading files via your scripts , but just found out that SmartFTP has email notifications in their new 3.0 release.

So I am wondering if WinSCP will use email feature anytime soon.


Re: Email notification on failure when automated scripting used

I have added this to a TODO list, but I must say that I do not consider it of high priority.

Email notification on failure when automated scripting used

I'd like to see this feature too.

WinSCP is running on a remote machine, sync'ing directories,
so it would be useful for there to be an option for it to send emails when errors
occur and the error places a dialog box waiting for a response
from the user.

This avoids having to keep logging onto the remote machine
to see if WinSCP is sat waiting for a user response and
so hasn't been sync'ing the machines.

The email would only need to be sent for those conditions,
where a dialog box is stopping WinSCP continuing.

Re: Email notification on failure when automated scripting used

So what exactly do you ask me for? :-)

Email notification on failure when automated scripting used

I use automated scripting to schedule file transfers unattended. An option to automatically notify by email if a transfer failed would be useful.
Currently I scan the log output for error status 1. However the error status is used for multiple errors. eg a listing error.