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Topic review


Deji wrote:

Can this quicker and more simple method not be added? Will I be able to just drag the files I want to sync into a window in that case?

If more people ask for this.

Can this quicker and more simple method not be added? Will I be able to just drag the files I want to sync into a window in that case?

If I was going to write a script I think I'd rather make my own prpgram than mess with PS. Or perhaps I should look into whether plugins can be written for WinSCP...

By which you mean, opening the files on the FTP side directly in an editor? That would completely bypass git, project management, the fact I want to work on my local files, etc. It would also mean opening every single file with WinSCP and finding it on the FTP side each time I want to edit it.

What if I want to use a tool or multiple programs to update a file or directory and have them sync?

I want to sync my local files and directories with the remote ones, not directly edit the remote ones. There's simply no feature to easily allow this.

Re: Sync List

So why don't you open the editors from within WinSCP?

Sync List

Please please please, allow me to open a window I can drag and drop files/directories from the explorer into, a "sync list". Whenever modifications to these files are detected, they're uploaded to the server.

Only being able to synchronise by directory is a pain when there are files in multiple directories that may be modified whenever. I can choose to only sync "selected files" but they still have to be in the same directory as I can't select files from more than one, and the sync window blocks any further exploring so you can't run more than one. I'm usually always working on a few particular files at a time in different directories for long periods and it would be super helpful to just have another window I can add files to as I go along.

This would allow me the freedom to use other code editors that don't have built in FTP features that allow me to do it on hotkey.

I'm not sure why I'm unable to find any FTP program with this simple idea...