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Topic review


The default permissions might be based on presets. However user must always have a chance to change the defaults on "New folder" dialog.
Anton P.

Actually, thinking about it, you would want to exclude any transfer settings preset which is dependent on the name of the folder being transferred, as that's irrelevant in the case of new folders.

It is debatable whether you would also want to exclude any preset which is dependent on the local folder. Although it wouldn't be illogical to include such a preset, the action of making a new folder may be completely independent in the user's mind from the state of the local directory, and he might get confused because new folders would seem to get different permissions for no obvious reason (although the real reason is that he was in different local folders when creating the new folder). On the other hand, the chances are that he is creating a new folder as part of a wider transfer session, in which case it would make sense to create the folder according to the state of the local folder in which he's working.

Looks like a problem with no obvious "correct" answer. You could always make it a preference, although that sounds like a bit of an overkill!

Best wishes,
Anton P.

Hi Martin,

It just occurred to me that the permissions applied to the new folder would ideally want to be exactly the same as would be given if you were transferring a folder. (In other words, they take into account the default and preset transfer settings.)

Cheers then,

Re: Default permissions for new folders

Not yet. Already on TODO list :-)
Anton P.

Default permissions for new folders

Is there a way of specifying default permissions for new directories (such as those created using the Create Directory context menu item)? If not, would you consider including one in a future release?

This is useful if you like to default each directory to be invisible to all but the owner.

Cheers then,
Anton P.