Re: EnumerateRemoteFiles in Perl
Would you know how the syntax would look like for EnumerateRemoteFiles in Perl.
You cannot use
in Perl, as documented:
The method cannot be used via COM interface
Would you know how the syntax would look like for EnumerateRemoteFiles in Perl.
in Perl, as documented:
The method cannot be used via COM interface
, if you need to skip a folder, you either have to filter the results to exclude files in the folder. Or, if you actually need to skip that folder (because it's not accessible or it's time consuming to enumerate it), you will have to do your own custom enumeration. It's not difficult. Check the source code of the .NET assembly.
TransferOptions transferOptions = new TransferOptions();
transferOptions.FileMask = "*.pdf | Reference/";
session.GetFiles("/*", @"C:\local\path\*", false, transferOptions).Check();
IEnumerable<RemoteFileInfo> directoryInfo = session.EnumerateRemoteFiles("/", "*.pdf |*/Reference/", EnumerationOptions.AllDirectories);
directoryInfo.ToList().ForEach(di =>