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Ahhh I didn't realise you could do Alt+drag in PuTTy. The main reason I want this, for example, is when I have the output of a list of files. I just want to be able to grab one of the columns. Currently I have to copy the lot, then paste into an editor, then trim off the extra stuff I don't want. The syntax highlighting I can deal without - would have just been nice :)



Use Alt+drag.

The PowerShell does formatting because it understands the commands, because they PowerShell commands. It wouldn't be able to magically format remote/shell commands, because it won't understand them.

It's more like this that I'm after. i.e selecting part of a window. Also, the command/syntax formatting is nice ;)



What prevents your from selecting a part of a line in PuTTY?

Ah ok - I just assumed any terminal would work (I have Cygwin installed, and I can access ssh using `ssh xxxx` via the command line, so I just assumed it would work). Shame, as Powershell has a much nicer interface to Putty (and I like the way you can grab specific parts of the terminal window, not just the whole lines)



Re: Using Windows PowerShell, instead of PuttY?

PowerShell is not an SSH client.

Did you hope to use PowerShell console capabilities for an SSH terminal? That's not possible.

Or do you connect to Windows server? Maybe you actually want to open PowerShell on the remote server.

Using Windows PowerShell, instead of PuttY?


I'm trying to see if I can use Powershell instead of PuTTY, when doing SSH sessions. So In Preferences > Integration > Applications, I entered:


I then restarted WinSCP, and tried to open a SSH session. Powershell opens, and then I see a brief flash of red text, and then it closes. Is there something I'm missing? The text is so brief, I don't get a chance to read it :(

