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Re: Access FTp Server using SFTP client/protocol.

Thanks martin for the reply.

martin wrote:

Sorry, but this is too broad question and it's not about WinSCP actually.

To give you some starters.

FTP and SFTP server can be running on the same host (hostname). The actual server software can be the same (e.g. ProFTPD supports for FTP and SFTP) or different (e.g. OpenSSH for SFTP and IIS for FTP).

For more details, ask on an appropriate forum, like

Re: Access FTp Server using SFTP client/protocol.

Sorry, but this is too broad question and it's not about WinSCP actually.

To give you some starters.

FTP and SFTP server can be running on the same host (hostname). The actual server software can be the same (e.g. ProFTPD supports for FTP and SFTP) or different (e.g. OpenSSH for SFTP and IIS for FTP).

For more details, ask on an appropriate forum, like

Access FTp Server using SFTP client/protocol.

I have to convert FTP code to SFTP in vb6. I am really new to it so have little idea.
So to get started i have few questions:
1.> Are FTP and SFTP servers different. I have a host name for eg., currently when we do FTP,URL is formed as So is this,a FTP server or can we use it for SFTP also?

2.> If it's an FTP as well as SFTP server that's fine. But if not then will we require a new server or this FTP server can be converted to SFTP server?