first of all: I love WinSCP for being simple and yet complex if needed. I use it for more than 10 years as my only graphical file transfer tool. If not using WinSCP, then I use scp/ssh directly from cmd. All of you did a great job with this software!
This bug/feature request is not a big thing if you first look at it. But keeping in mind that WinSCP is almost a base tool for every programmer and professional that works with computers remotely, then it lights different.
Why do you hide .files (.gitignore, .bashrc, .bash_alias, ...) by default in 5.9.6786? Well because of setting changes like these I dont take every version, maybe the default setting was changed long before, I dont know.
Actually I dont get why the setting changed even a bit. Maybe you've got your reasons, well, I'm sure you got your reasons, but to me there can't be any reasoning reason except trying to make WinSCP even more usable to private users by giving up some dev feeling.
I say it again. Its not THAT big deal. But these days I see SOO many base programmer tools pointing in private direction more and more on EVERY update by limiting dev features (not WinSCP (currently)) and defaulting settings (e.G. hiding basic settings files, because thay have a . (dot) in the beginning) and even just remove settings because they look to irritating to privates (yes, I said and meant "deleting" and not hiding behind "advanced settings"!).. It's just sad I say.
I don't know if you really want to point more in private direction, but if so, you maybe could atlest offer 2 default settings. One for professionals and one for private users.
If you actually dont know what I'm talking about ignore all above, but please keep in mind to think about a changed setting and if it really is a good idea to do so or to just keep it as everybody got used to. (everybody = everybody using your tool frequently)
Thank you! ;)