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Topic review


Re: Locked Account

@User_mywebpage: What do you mean by "WinSCP account" and "WinSCP Service Administrator"? Only "WinSCP" account you can have is account on this support forum. If you actually mean the account you use in WinSCP to connect to remote server, you need to contact the remote server administrator (e.g. your hosting provider).

Locked Account

What do you do when you get locked out your WinSCP account? And where can I find the WinSCP Service Administrator?

Re: Account locked issue

You have to contact your server administrator.
Pratik Kadave

Account locked issue

I am getting this Account Locked error even though I entered correct password. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application. How can I get my account unlocked. Its a SharePoint where the files are loaded. Please help.