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Topic review


Invalid access to memory - _ssh_agent_forwarding_permitted

PC resumed from hibernate - which usually is no problem at all, then WinSCP failed on reconnect.

WinSCP 5.8

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(005FD0A0) C2438_0
(0081A832) C5058_0
(0081C89A) ____ExceptionHandler
(00819814) __ExceptionHandler
(0007C30F) ntdll.dll
(00069B7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00603A0E) _ssh_agent_forwarding_permitted
(00609287) _sshfwd_x11_is_local
(0060960F) _sshfwd_x11_is_local
(005FCFC2) C2438_0
(005FD175) C2438_0
(005FD518) _ssh_connshare_log
(00623FAD) _select_result
(006C87DB) TSecureShell::HandleNetworkEvents
(006C8A9E) TSecureShell::ProcessNetworkEvents
(006C808F) TSecureShell::WaitForData
(006C3499) TSecureShell::Init
(006C2D71) TSecureShell::Open
(006F9397) TSFTPFileSystem::Open
(007338B3) TTerminal::Reopen
(00693269) TTerminalThread::TerminalReopenEvent
(0068E230) TSignalThread::Execute
(000919C3) Userinterface::C20_0
(00012742) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00058CD2) ntdll.dll
(00058C9A) ntdll.dll

(0081AE9D) C5058_0
(0081C477) _ReThrowException
(006C35A7) TSecureShell::Init
(006C2D71) TSecureShell::Open
(006F9397) TSFTPFileSystem::Open
(007338B3) TTerminal::Reopen
(00693269) TTerminalThread::TerminalReopenEvent
(0068E230) TSignalThread::Execute
(000919C3) Userinterface::C20_0
(00012742) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00058CD2) ntdll.dll
(00058C9A) ntdll.dll
Authentication failed.

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.