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Re: Disallow SCP fallback via API

ByteMyzer wrote:

The answer on stackoverflow is false. The WinSCP .NET assembly behaves like the "Allow SCP fallback" is checked, by default. The option must be "unchecked" with the following additional line of code:
sessionOptions.AddRawSettings("FSProtocol", "2"); // SFTPOnly

No, it's not false. If you have a different experience, please post your code and a matching log file.

Re: Disallow SCP fallback via API

martin wrote:

Your duplicate (and answered) post on Stack Overflow:

The answer on stackoverflow is false. The WinSCP .NET assembly behaves like the "Allow SCP fallback" is checked, by default. The option must be "unchecked" with the following additional line of code:
sessionOptions.AddRawSettings("FSProtocol", "2"); // SFTPOnly

Re: Disallow SCP fallback via API

Thusitha wrote:


I'm using winscp.exe and the API to upload files.
I'm using SFTP and I'm unable to upload files to one of mySFTP servers.
However, I'm able to upload to the same server when 'Allow SCP fallback' option is unchecked.

Is there any way to set this option using the API, so I hope my file upload would work?

WinSCP version 5.5.5

Re: Disallow SCP fallback via API

Thusitha wrote:


I'm using winscp.exe and the API to upload files.
I'm using SFTP and I'm unable to upload files to one of mySFTP servers.
However, I'm able to upload to the same server when 'Allow SCP fallback' option is unchecked.

Is there any way to set this option using the API, so I hope my file upload would work?

This is for winscp 5.5.5

Disallow SCP fallback via API


I'm using winscp.exe and the API to upload files.
I'm using SFTP and I'm unable to upload files to one of mySFTP servers.
However, I'm able to upload to the same server when 'Allow SCP fallback' option is unchecked.

Is there any way to set this option using the API, so I hope my file upload would work?