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Re: Native RSYNC in WinSCP

Currently I do not plan to support RSYNC.

Native RSYNC in WinSCP


Is it at all possible to integrate rsync into WinSCP so that we mortals do not have to spend so much time with rsync's cryptic options etc.

I am not saying that you should convert WinSCP into something like WinRSYSNC (yet something like that is also sorely needed) but, suppose that I know that a server also supports rsync, I really would like to be able to sync some files/folders using rsync. It is much faster.

And there is no usable rysnc client in the market that I know (except for a couple of commandline frontends).

It would be a boon to add it somehow; I dont know how.

Can it be done; would you consider it.

Best regards,