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Topic review


Re: Script Synchronize Issue

To find the root cause, please attach complete logs of two consecutive runs.


Just for the record, I found the answer, which is (in case someone needs it):

synchronize remote -delete -transfer=automatic -resumesupport=on -filemask="*.spf; *.txt; *.md5" D:\temp \remote

I resolved the deletion part with -delete, but the main issue remains.

Script Synchronize Issue

Hi there,

I have a local path from where the (specific type) files (test1, test2, test4 ==> all .txt), I want to be ftp-ed to the remote folder. I use a script as the below:

option batch abort
option confirm off
open ftpuser@ipaddress
synchronize remote -mirror -transfer=binary -resumesupport=on -filemask="*.spf; *.txt; *.md5" D:\temp \remote

The problems are:

*no matter if the files are already at the destination foler, it keeps overwriting then which is not accepted (see below log).

*if I delete a file at source folder, it doesn't get deleted at the destination folder

Any idea? :roll: :?:

. 2015-02-13 15:48:57.962 test1.txt;-;3;2015-02-13T13:47:00.000Z;"" [0];"" [0];---------;0
. 2015-02-13 15:48:57.962 test2.txt;-;5;2015-02-13T13:47:00.000Z;"" [0];"" [0];---------;0
. 2015-02-13 15:48:57.962 test4.txt;-;6;2015-02-13T13:47:00.000Z;"" [0];"" [0];---------;0
. 2015-02-13 15:48:57.994 Local file 'D:\temp\test1.txt' [2015-02-13T13:37:17.360Z] [3] is modified comparing to remote file '\remote/test1.txt' [2015-02-13T13:47:00.000Z] [3]
. 2015-02-13 15:48:57.994 Local file 'D:\temp\test2.txt' [2015-02-13T12:26:00.000Z] [5] is modified comparing to remote file '\remote/test2.txt' [2015-02-13T13:47:00.000Z] [5]
. 2015-02-13 15:48:57.994 Local file 'D:\temp\test4.txt' [2015-02-13T13:17:52.413Z] [6] is modified comparing to remote file '\remote/test4.txt' [2015-02-13T13:47:00.000Z] [6]
< 2015-02-13 15:48:57.994 Script: Synchronizing...