Re: Script fails during run
I tried out the debug build, I still get the lost connection error after about 30 minutes. I am post what my script options are at the moment.
option batch abort
option confirm off
synchronize local g:\appraise /appraise
synchronize local g:\Documents /Documents
synchronize local g:\ftproot /ftproot
synchronize local g:\HomeFolder /HomeFolder
synchronize local g:\Quickbooks /Quickbooks
synchronize local g:\Share /Share
synchronize local g:\Software /Software
option batch abort
option confirm off
synchronize local g:\appraise /appraise
synchronize local g:\Documents /Documents
synchronize local g:\ftproot /ftproot
synchronize local g:\HomeFolder /HomeFolder
synchronize local g:\Quickbooks /Quickbooks
synchronize local g:\Share /Share
synchronize local g:\Software /Software