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Re: How ot change the tempory file location

As mentioned before, you can change the location using Session.XmlLogPath.

Though by sudden appearance of the problem, I suspect this bug:
If you are using 5.2.4 or older, consider upgrading and restarting your machine.

Re: How ot change the tempory file location

martin wrote:

It would really help if you post an exact error message or a log file. Anyway, you are probably looking for Session.XmlLogPath. But I'm not really sure, if temp file location is the root cause of your problem.

3/4/2014 7:45:51 PM
Error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond - Log file C:\Users\marshg\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFB19.tmp was not created in time, please make sure WinSCP has write permissions to the folder
at WinSCP.Session.CheckForTimeout(String additional)
at WinSCP.Session.Open(SessionOptions sessionOptions)
at ArmyTADownload.GetTAFiles.Main() in C:\Documents and Settings\marshg\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\GetArmyTAs\Get TA Files.vb:line 36

It is clearly the temp file location, and I clearly have permissions to the folder. It is not really a WinSCP problem, but to figure it out, I want to store it outside my profile. When I run it manually, in other words, I'm locally logged onto the server, it works fine, and it worked fine for a long time as a scheduled program.

Re: How ot change the tempory file location

It would really help if you post an exact error message or a log file. Anyway, you are probably looking for Session.XmlLogPath. But I'm not really sure, if temp file location is the root cause of your problem.

How ot change the tempory file location

I have a VB.Net program that has not changed since I wrote in in early 2012. Until two weeks ago, it worked every day. It is run on a Windows 2008 Server using the task scheduler and my account. It is failing because it cannot create the temp file in my profile even though it is running as me. When I'm logged on and run it, it works fine. Of course, this is not actually a WinSCP problem, but I want to change where it stores the temp file so I can figure this out. The program downloads a single file each day from a site that requires SFTP.