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Re: "Send To.." Feature Requests

coppit wrote:

1) Typing in the destination stinks. Can you provide the right panel of the normal interface so that I can select the destination, see what other files are there, create a directory etc?

I think that this is against Windows concept of the "sent to" menu. If you want full feature of WinSCP, just open the session.

2) After transferring the file, how can I stop it from telling me that it is done?

You cannot. I may add such option in future.

3) The transfer complete notification window has a title of "Error", even though it says "Operation was successfully completed". Perhaps the title should be "Notification" or something since it's not an error.

I hope that this was fixed in 3.6.5, what version do you use?

"Send To.." Feature Requests

1) Typing in the destination stinks. Can you provide the right panel of the normal interface so that I can select the destination, see what other files are there, create a directory etc?

2) After transferring the file, how can I stop it from telling me that it is done?

3) The transfer complete notification window has a title of "Error", even though it says "Operation was successfully completed". Perhaps the title should be "Notification" or something since it's not an error.