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jraley wrote:

Or do I need to call an instance of WinSCP for each script?


What is the syntax for the command line to run multiple scripts at once? Or do I need to call an instance of WinSCP for each script?

Yes for performance just to shorten the time to update several files. I am transferring several .5 to 4MB files from several locations and would like to have the option to specify something like 3 transfers at once. I guess in the end it will use the same amount of bandwidth whether it is one file or 3 at a time. I am just looking at methods to shorten the amount of time to fit my window for synchronizing.

Re: Synchronize multiple sites at once?

jraley wrote:

Is it possible to script WinSCP to perform multiple synchronize jobs at once on more than one site at a time?

Just run set of scripts at the same time, one for each site.

Also is it possible for the synchronize command to get multiple files at once at the same site?

No. Do you want this for performance reasons?

Synchronize multiple sites at once?

Is it possible to script WinSCP to perform multiple synchronize jobs at once on more than one site at a time? Also is it possible for the synchronize command to get multiple files at once at the same site?