Re: Using filemask with exclude and timestamp
This works - thank you so much, Martin!
get -filemask="*.*>2013-5-29 07:11:00| */" *.* .\
and time constraint is part of the include_mask
get -filemask="*.*>2013-5-29 07:11:00" *.* .\
get -filemask="*.*| */" *.* .\
get -filemask="*.*| */>2013-5-29 07:11:00" *.* .\
Mask is invalid near '>2013-5-29 07:11:00'
> 2013-05-29 11:37:19.740 Script: get -filemask=""*.*| */>2013-5-29 07:11:00"" *.* .\
. 2013-05-29 11:37:19.740 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2013-05-29 11:37:19.740 CWD /Downloads/*/
< 2013-05-29 11:37:19.762 550 Can't change directory to /Downloads/*/: No such file or directory