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Re: open directory/bookmark

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand.

I understand you are running Windows on your laptop, right? So you have folder like C:\aaaa\bbbb\cccc and you want to convert that path syntax to /aaaa/bbbb/cccc, so you wan use it for remote path. Is that correct?

open directory/bookmark

When I want to copy a folder name from Windows using the open directory/bookmark, the windows folder backslash symbol is used so on my laptop drive I have:


whereas on the server:


I am able to copy the folder name from my tools in windows but when I copy the folder path to winscp it does not understand the structure:

Prohibited file name: \public_html\components\com_jdtestimonials

I'd like to be able to copy the folder name to/from WINscp. Is there a way to make WINscp aware of Windows backslash folder style?

If not currently available I would suggest this would be a useful feature.