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Topic review


I vote for this feature, just move form FileZilla, All WinSCP features are better than FileZilla except parallel transfers!

Can we get this patched up? Please?

Upload a folder with multiple subfolders and tons of files.

FileZilla: takes a few minutes.
WinSCP: hour or so...

Crimson_Tears wrote:

This is still an issue!!!

Yes, I confirm that as of today this is still an issue. Queueing each file individually doesn't seem to work properly if they are contained within folders and it does make things much slower than FileZilla for example. It would be great if we could add an override to allow files inside folders to work as individual items in the queue.

This is still an issue!!!

It would be great to have a new option that was something like "process FOLDERS on the queue by adding each contained file/folder to the queue as a new item", which could be set either when adding a particular folder to the queue or as a default for items added to the queue. This would keep available both modes of working: I can either retain control of the queue entries to manage multiple parallel uploads (as at present) OR I can cause every available upload background thread to work in parallel to transfer my entire folder tree of files as fast as possible (which is what I would, sometimes, like). This behaviour is what FileZilla does, and it is one remaining advantage that FileZilla has over WinSCP that could, I think, be easily closed.

manus wrote:

We migrated all our team from FileZilla to WinSCP (for security reason), but some member said that WinSCP is slower and I found this topic.
I'm sure this would definitely have something to do with it. Even with a couple of 'cons' of using WinSCP, I still prefer it over FileZilla. Not only does it feel more friendly to use but being able to edit files 'on the fly' with the built in editor is, IMO, a must have. I find it cumbersome to have to use an external editor and then save, go back to the FTP client and approve the upload of the modified file.

manus wrote:

I think this feature is a must have, especially for long distance connection (in our case Lost Angeles to Paris).
Because with many connection at same time you don't see the latency and to upload a website (CMS type) it's necessary.
Not sure if they idea would help you, but you would ZIP up the contents, upload it as a .zip file and then extract it on the destination via a PHP script. It's much faster that way, regardless of the FTP client because transferring 1,000 files vs 2 files will always take longer, even when they are the same size.

By the way, it's 'Los Angeles' not 'Lost Angeles'. :wink:

We migrated all our team from FileZilla to WinSCP (for security reason), but some member said that WinSCP is slower and I found this topic.
I think this feature is a must have, especially for long distance connection (in our case Lost Angeles to Paris).
Because with many connection at same time you don't see the latency and to upload a website (CMS type) it's necessary.

I wouldn't classify it as a bug, just perhaps the need for different wording or an extra option to choose how it's going to work.

I can see benefits to how it is, though in most circumstances I would prefer that when I drag and drop that it handle the first item with multiple connections to get those files done ASAP and then move to the next item in queue.

I would like to be able to 'view the tree' of items left in queue for that item (remaining files/folders) so I can selectively start an item. Sort of how it is now, but being able to navigate the tree instead of the top level queued items only.

Re: Transfer each file individually not working as expected

Thanks for your post.

This request is being tracked already:

Transfer each file individually not working as expected

I think that "Transfer each file individually" option is not working as expected. If I want to transfer a folder the queue processes all files in that folder as a single transfer rather than transferring them individually.
Also is it possible to allow a multi-select files in the transfer queue (e.g. with ctrl-click or drag-select)?
Thanks for the great work!