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Topic review


Anonymous wrote:

With 5.1.4, I am experiencing this problem, I hope it can be fixed because I need to be able to minimize and restore the application.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

With 5.1.4, I am experiencing this problem, I hope it can be fixed because I need to be able to minimize and restore the application.

ideaworx wrote:

Where am I able to download the 5.08 beta?

It was not released yet.

Where am I able to download the 5.08 beta?


Unless placebo effect applies to software, the debug version you sent me no longer suffers from this problem.

Here is a less cryptic version of the above.

The one I noticed the bug was in v5.0.7 build 2268.

The debug version you sent [v5.0.7 build 2354] doesn't have that bug anymore --I've tried it for about 5 days (24 h).

Thank you.

Re: Stuck in SysTray

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

Stuck in SysTray

[WinSCP v5.0.7 beta., Win7 x64 with all the updates.]

Here is something that happened to me quite a few times, but --unfortunately-- I haven't been able to find a methodical way to reproduce it.

Sometimes, when WinSCP is minimized (with option 'Environement | Window | Minimize main window to taskbar status area (system tray)' CHECKED), it doesn't come back on.

I mean, there's no way to bring it back. It doesn't respond to clicks (single or double), nor does it have a menu that I could right-click to 'restore' WinSCP.

Odd thing is, WinSCP isn't actually frozen --when the target disconnects, it will come up with the usual reconnection dialog (only the dialog, not the main window).

As I said, I have not managed to come up with reproducible way of creating this odd behavior/bug; but, it is there.

Interestingly enough, I haven't seen such behavior in any other app --including the ones I have written ;)

I'm hoping someone else will come up with reproducible bug report.