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The reget is FTP command. You are using SFTP with WinSCP. Maybe that's the difference.

Thanks for your reply, Martin. Unfortunately, none of the suggestions in the linked article reflect what I am doing, this is simply a download (no writing to server) and I am logged in with root account so permissions should not be a problem.

I am sure this is something wrong on the server, but the point is that FileZilla is able to cope with it and complete the download (using REGET), so is there anything I can try with WinSCP to replicate the FileZilla behaviour?


Please see session log attached. I cannot post the debug log as it is too big 1.3MB. Please let me know if you want me to email this.


Re: Error message "Failure"

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

Error message "Failure"

I am using .Net component v5.1.3 with WinSCP 5.1.3, in a VB VS2010 project (though this issue does not seem to be related to .NET component – see last paragraph below). I am downloading files in a loop from a Linux Debian OpenSSH host with SFTP and get the following exception when executing session.GetFiles
General failure (server should provide error description). Error code: 4 Error message from server: Failure Request code: 5

Retries on the same file yield the same result. When I remove this file from the list of files to be downloaded the next newer file has the same problem.

I can use Filezilla Windows client to download all of the files without issue. Once I have used my program and WinSCP, and the failure has occurred, Filezilla can do the download but with the following errors in the log:
Status:   Starting download of /mnt/usb/20130105.sto

Command:   get "20130105.sto" "C:\My cache\20130105.sto"
Status:   remote:/mnt/usb/20130105.sto => local:C:\My cache\20130105.sto
Error:   error while reading: received a short buffer from FXP_READ, but not at EOF
Error:   File transfer failed after transferring 1,024,000 bytes in 1 second
Status:   Starting download of /mnt/usb/20130105.sto
Command:   reget "20130105.sto" "C:\My cache\20130105.sto"
Status:   reget: restarting at file position 1155072
Status:   remote:/mnt/usb/20130105.sto => local:C:\My cache\20130105.sto
Error:   error while reading: received a short buffer from FXP_READ, but not at EOF
Error:   File transfer failed after transferring 937,984 bytes in 1 second
Status:   Starting download of /mnt/usb/20130105.sto
Command:   reget "20130105.sto" "C:\My cache\20130105.sto"
Status:   reget: restarting at file position 2129920
Status:   remote:/mnt/usb/20130105.sto => local:C:\My cache\20130105.sto
Error:   error while reading: received a short buffer from FXP_READ, but not at EOF
Error:   File transfer failed after transferring 921,600 bytes in 1 second
Status:   Starting download of /mnt/usb/20130105.sto
Command:   reget "20130105.sto" "C:\My cache\20130105.sto"
Status:   reget: restarting at file position 3198976
Status:   remote:/mnt/usb/20130105.sto => local:C:\My cache\20130105.sto
Error:   error while reading: received a short buffer from FXP_READ, but not at EOF
Error:   File transfer failed after transferring 802,816 bytes in 1 second
Status:   Starting download of /mnt/usb/20130105.sto
Command:   reget "20130105.sto" "C:\My cache\20130105.sto"
Status:   reget: restarting at file position 4198400
Status:   remote:/mnt/usb/20130105.sto => local:C:\My cache\20130105.sto
Status:   File transfer successful, transferred 1,114,112 bytes in 1 second

Trying to copy the same files with WinSCP Windows client yields the same error message as does using the .NET wrapper:
General failure (server should provide error description).
Error code: 4
Error message from server: Failure
Request code: 5

Can anyone suggest what is happening?
