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Topic review


Ok, I see. I'm sorry, but it's unlikely I'm going to define type library. What's way too many work and will cause yet more problems.
Andre Minhorst

Hi, this might help:

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Would be great if you fix this issue. :-) Thanks! - André

Re: Intellisense/Object browser in VBA: Methods/Props missing

Does VBA support that at all? I have no experience with that.

If someone shows me how to fix that (if there's a fix), I'm happy to implement it.
Andre Minhorst

Intellisense/Object browser in VBA: Methods/Props missing


Access/VBA don't show any properties/methods in the object browser. Intellisense doesn't provide properties or methods either.

I think this could be fixed by setting some properties before compiling the dll (but I don't know exactly how this could be done).

Will this be fixed?
