Updated script...
I have added some Functionality to this script. It can now do the following functions
-Check if required directories exist, and if not, creates them.
-Checks specific folder for log entries, and if it is over 7 days old, deletes them
-Makes the batch file from the script(no longer looks for sync1.txt)
-general improvements.
If you guys see anything that I can do better just let me know.
-Check if required directories exist, and if not, creates them.
-Checks specific folder for log entries, and if it is over 7 days old, deletes them
-Makes the batch file from the script(no longer looks for sync1.txt)
-general improvements.
If you guys see anything that I can do better just let me know.
Dim Filesys
strComputer = "."
strProcessToKill = "winscp.exe"
FileName ="Blank Documents"
LogFolder = "C:\admin\BDSync\logs"
'Function To Get User Desktop Path
Function DesktopPath()
Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell= CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WSHShell= Nothing
End Function
'Function To Get User Document Path
Function DocumentPath()
Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell= CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WSHShell= Nothing
End Function
'Variable for User Document Folder
BDFolder= DocumentPath & + "\" + FileName
'Varible to check exsistance (and create) folders
SET Filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
SET oLogFolder= Filesys.GetFolder(LogFolder)
SET oLogFolderCollection= oLogFolder.files
'Checks to see if "C:\admin\BDSync\logs" Exists, and if not, creates directory
If Not Filesys.FolderExists(LogFolder)Then
End IF
'Number of days to keep log files
DaysOld= 7
'Deletes any log files older than the value in the "DaysOld" varible
For Each ofile in oLogFolderCollection
If ofile.DateLastModified < (Date() - DaysOld) Then
End IF
'Checks to see if "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Blank Documents" exsists
If Not Filesys.FolderExists(BDFolder)Then
End IF
'Checks to see if a shortcut for the Blank Documents folder exists, and if it doesn't, it creates it
ShortcutName= DesktopPath & + "\" + FileName + ".lnk"
If Not Filesys.FileExists(ShortcutName)Then
SET shortcut = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").CreateShortcut(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & + "\" + FileName + ".lnk")
shortcut.Description = "My shortcut"
shortcut.TargetPath = BDFolder
shortcut.Arguments = "/Arguments:Shortcut"
End IF
'Sets "shell" to run a shell command
sub shell(cmd)
' Run a command as if you were running from the command line
dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Set objShell = Nothing
end sub
'Creates Sync.bat, which is called at the end of the script.(This is what passes the FTP parameters to the WinSCP Program)
SET objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open write stream
SET outFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("C:\admin\BDSync\sync.bat", True)
'Write to Batch File
outFile.WriteLine "@echo off"
outFile.WriteLine "cd %programfiles%\winscp\"
outFile.WriteLine "start /b winscp.exe /xmllog=""C:\admin\BDSync\logs\!M-!D-!Y@!T.xml"" /xmlgroups /command ""open ftp://username:password@ftp.somesite.com"" ""synchronize local -delete -criteria=size" & + " " + """""" + BDFolder + """""" + " " + "/"
outFile.WriteLine "exit"
'Close Write Stream
'Allows script to access Running Processes"
SET objWMIService = GETOBJECT("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
'set variable to Winscp Process Instance
SET colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = '" & strProcessToKill & "'")
'Checks to see if an instance of WinSCP.exe is running, and if it is, it closes it. This will loop to close multiple processes
count = 0
FOR EACH objProcess in colProcess
count = count + 1
'Runs the batch file from a slient shell command
shell "C:\admin\BDsync\sync.bat"