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found it

Ok i found it :)
When i was copying some files in the program itself i saw a screen where i could make my own FileMask.

The only 'problem' i have left is that Excluded files or folders don't get deleted if they exist on the Destination.
Is this possible?

Exclude Directories from syncing does not work?


I'm using the WinSCP command line to open a script.txt with the commands.
I want to sync some data from my QNAP NAS to a backup disk.
I also use an iMac which creates a lot of files and directories i do not want in my backup so i excluded them.
When i use the script below it syncs perfect, but it also syncs the folders: .AppleDouble
What is the correct syntax to exclude this folder?

The file exclusion works.
But when an excluded file is in my target dir it does not get deleted. Is this also possible?

#QNAP is a SFTP connection

open Qnap
cd /share/MD0_DATA/Shares/test
synchronize local F:\Backup\test /share/MD0_DATA/Shares/test -delete -filemask="|thumbs.db; :2e*; *2eapdisk; ._*; *DS_Store; TABAFK*; /.AppleDouble; /TemporaryItems; /.Trashes"


Thank you very much!
