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Re: Automation

ryc wrote:

I am able to transfer file depending on name on ftp server to local machine. Once file is transfered, I want to transfer file on ftp server to archive directory in ftp folder itself depending on file name.

How can I do this tnasfering file on ftp server to different folders depending on file name?

Yes, but it's not a trivial task. I would recommend you use the WinSCP .NET assembly

Or you can stick with scripting and XML logging. The example linked in previous topic is still the one to use as an example.


I am able to transfer file depending on name on ftp server to local machine. Once file is transfered, I want to transfer file on ftp server to archive directory in ftp folder itself depending on file name.

How can I do this tnasfering file on ftp server to different folders depending on file name?


Every day we get files on ftp server with differenct names. I want to write script that will transfer file as soon as it is posted to ftp server to the other server. Files have specific names. So, depending on name, file should be transfered to corresponning directory on the other server. Is this possible using winscp script?