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Topic review


It's because a previous developer put most of the winscp syntax into a dll, which I don't want to pull out and change, hehe. However, that works... thanks!

Re: Hopefully a simple scripting question

May I know, what do you do not like about using "cd" command?

Anyway, the answer is:
open username:password@server:port/dir1/dir2

Hopefully a simple scripting question


Here is my script... /script="d:\sftpscript.txt"

and sftpscript.txt contains:

open username:password@server:port -hostkey="hostkey" -timeout=60 -passive
cd /dir1/dir2

What I want to be able to do is perform the "cd /dir1/dir2" line, or change the remote directory in either the opening "" line of the script or the "open" line of the script. Is there either a parameter or argument I can add when I open the connection that will set my working remote directory for me? Thanks!