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Allow manuall entry of file names for hidden files

I have seen other GUI clients have a xfer button and when a file was not selected it prompts for the file name. Copy/Paste a name and that is submitted to the server. problem solved.

Re: Allow manuall entry of file names for hidden files

You cannot download the file using GUI. But you can use scripting.

Re: Allow manuall entry of file names for hidden files

martin wrote:

How do imagine the interface for such a feature would look like?

I would like to start by asking if this has been resolved? I find myself requiring the same function.. e.g., I'm conneting to an ftp service that has the folders and files hidden. I don't have a problem navigating down the folder tree. However, I don't see how to open an interface to request (get) the file.

Re: Allow manuall entry of file names for hidden files

How do imagine the interface for such a feature would look like?

Allow manuall entry of file names for hidden files

One support site that I use all the time for FTP transfers sets not only the directory permissions, but also the file permissions so that they can not be seen by FTP. I am required to manually enter the file names I want to download from the FTP server. However, there does not seem to be a way to do this. I can manually enter the path through the hidden directories using the bookmark feature, but I can not include a file name on the path, so all I can do is move to the remote hidden directory that then appears empty. I have to use windows standard FTP to download these files, but would like it if WinSCP had the apability for me to do it within the product.