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Re: Confused about Master Password

Aion wrote:

In other words does the master password help me in securing session passwords while allowing unattended (batch) execution of a WinSCP session?

No it is not possible to use it for these purposes.

Confused about Master Password

I am using WinSCP as part of a daily scheduled job to download a file. Right now I am saving the password with the session as the job needs to be ran unattended. I understand that this is not secure - anyone with access to our server could easily cull the password from the data stored to invoke the session.

The WinSCP documentation seems to indicate that using a Master Password can help secure these session specific passwords. But does it still require that someone manually enter the Master Password each time the session is opened in WinSCP.

In other words does the master password help me in securing session passwords while allowing unattended (batch) execution of a WinSCP session?

Any enlightenment is appreciated.
