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Re: Scripted Transfer Requiring scp

You should do:
winscp /script=script.txt

Where script.txt is:

open scp://user:password@ipaddr

put src dst

I understood that you have tried this already. But give it one more chance anyway :)

Scripted Transfer Requiring scp

I need to start winscp in scp mode for a batch transfer The server I'm connecting to only supports scp, and the automatic fallback doesn't seem to work.

When I incant "winscp scp://user:password@ipaddr /command "put src dst", it says automatic actions are disabled for command line url addresses.

When my script file says
"open scp://user:password@ipaddr"
it responds "searching for host, host doesn't exist" and gives me a prompt. If I enter "open scp://user:password@ipaddr" at the prompt, it connects.

Is this a bug, how do I change the default protocol to scp?