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Re: Disable deleting files from server when using example.js

This script should not delete any file. If it does, please post a log file.

Disable deleting files from server when using example.js

I'm using the example.js script from your web site by running cscript /nologo example.js and it works great. The only changes I made to the script are my session name and the folder names. It determines the latest file and downloads it successfully but I want it to leave the original file on the server.

How do I stop it from deleting any files from my SFTP server??

I looked at the script and its doing a regular get without any -delete options:

"option batch abort\n" +
"option confirm off\n" +
"open \"" + SESSION + "\"\n" +
"get \"" + REMOTEPATH + filenameLatest + "\" \"" + LOCALPATH + "\"\n" +

I'm using INI storage if that makes a difference, with all default settings in the user interface. What am I missing?