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Re: Windows Service SFTP get Command Causing Orphaned SFTP Sess

As long as there are no orphaned WinSCP processed, it have to be an issue of either your local Windows machine or the server itself.

Windows Service SFTP get Command Causing Orphaned SFTP Sess

The process I have implemented is creating orphaned SFTP sessions on our Tru64 Unix box and eventually locks our user account out. I looking for any ideas on what could be causing this. I've pointed this exact same process to two different Unix boxes and I'm getting the same orphaned SFTP sessions. The 'get' command seems to be the only time I have this issue. The service timer runs every 20 seconds so it is connecting to this host every 20 seconds.

I have version 4.3.2 installed and have the example at implemented into a Windows Service running on a Windows 2008 server.

This is the exact scripting that I'm sending...

winscp> option batch on
batch on
winscp> option confirm off
confirm off
winscp> open sftp://[myuser]:xxxxxxx@[myhost] -hostkey="ssh-dss 1024 [my host key]" -timeout=15
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "[my username]".
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] [myuser]@[myhost]
winscp> get /lg/data/web/*.xml D:\TransferHolding\
winscp> mv /lg/data/web/*.xml /lg/data/web/*.xml*.old
winscp> close
Session [myuser]@[myhost] closed.
No session.

Thank you for any information that you can provide.