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Re: Can't do it that way, as I noted above.

lorikay4 wrote:

I have read the FAQ, and as my question notes, I am unable to perform the steps of exporting the .ini file because I have the restored files from the installation, but cannot run the WinSCP.exe file from that location.

What I am asking is, is there a way to export the settings from the files in Progarm Files/WinSCP that does not require that I turn on the program?

That's exactly what the FAQ is about. Have you read it to the end?

Can't do it that way, as I noted above.

I have read the FAQ, and as my question notes, I am unable to perform the steps of exporting the .ini file because I have the restored files from the installation, but cannot run the WinSCP.exe file from that location.

What I am asking is, is there a way to export the settings from the files in Progarm Files/WinSCP that does not require that I turn on the program?

recovering WinSCP configuration information

My hard drive crashed 3 weeks ago. I was fortunately able to get the entire hard drive recovered, and I have the data back. However, it's the configuration files that are killing me.

I had more than a dozen passwords stored in my WinSCP installation, along with many other settings. Is it possible to recover my old computer's WinSCP configuration from this data, without being able to turn on WinSCP and export the settings to an .ini file? Again, I have the contents of the directory in Program Files/WinSCP, but can't 'run' that installation, since it's just recovered files on a portable external drive, not a full up 'installation' of the software.

This WinSCP was pretty current (don't know the version), installed on a Windows XP machine.