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Re: Slow transfers from Solaris to Win NT

Had a similar problem, but with tar files - solaris box would not actually respond that the files had been transferred.

It works - just doesn't seem to respond correctly.
It's worth creating a tar file containing all those files and then transferring.

My problem specifically affected old build of solaris running ssh1

Slow transfers from Solaris to Win NT

I have been trying to use your ftp tool alongside the PuTTy software. Unfortunately, when I select a directory to transfer containing multiple sub-directories and files underneath, it transfers very slowly (1 file per 1/2 second) to the hard drive. If I leave it about a minute, then cancel the transfer, sometimes it then carries on copying but at lightning speed. I don't think its anything to do with the Automatic option changing the transfer from ascii to binary as it is that slow when I fix it as Binary. This makes the software unusable. Can anyone help?