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Ok, it turns out that my webhost has a firewall, and it will disconnect anything that has been connected for 30+ minutes regardless of activity. They said they are actually in the process of replacing it anyways this week, so it should not be an issue anymore.

And a secondary note, I checked FileZilla again, and it is also disconnected after 30 minutes... the reason I never noticed, is that FileZilla will remember the password I used earlier and reconnect automatically.


Ok I will look into it on the server side.

Just as a side note though, I never had this issue when I used FileZilla, so I am not sure why it would disconnect WinSCP.


Re: Disconnects after 30 minutes regardless of activity.

WinSCP never disconnectes automatically. It has to be your server that does it.

Disconnects after 30 minutes regardless of activity.

What is the default disconnect time?
Is it set by WinSCP or by the server to which we are connected?

I am having an issue, where WinSCP will disconnect after 30 to 35 minutes regardless of any activity that just occured. At 29 minutes I changed to a new directory and a couple minutes later it still disconnected. Also, it will even disconnect in the middle of a file transfer. I was in the middle of also transferring file during the above times and it still disconnected.

This is reproduceable every time I use WinSCP v4.2.8 on Win XP Pro sp3.

Even if keepalives are set to either Sending NULL SSH packets or Executing Dummy Protocol Commands, it will still disconnect after 30-35 minutes.