Re: I have a related suggestion.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Also it would be nice if when a non-mutual folder is accessed (in the warning that appears) there could be an option to simply go back to the last mutual folder and not turn off synchronization; perhaps a button that just says [go back].
AutoHotKey workaround to always cancel for anyone who may want it
; Program: WinSCP
; Issue: Sychronized Browsing - Always "No"
; Workaround:
; 1. Wait for WinSCP commander interface window to exist
; 2. Wait for confirmation prompt for creating local folder
; 3. Always deny creating local folder
; 4. Return to now-descended parent folder on remote
; 5. Re-enable Sychronized Browsing feature
DetectHiddenText, off ;will not search hidden window text (faster)
DetectHiddenWindows, off ;will not detect hidden windows (faster)
Loop { ;continue indefinitely
; WinWait* is event-driven hook implementation consuming 0% cpu while process is stored in RAM
; WinTitle=Confirm AND ahk_class=TMessageForm AND Text=&Yes is not unique to WinSCP, so minimize interference by at least wait indefinitely until WinSCP Commander window exists
WinWait, ahk_class TScpCommanderForm
;wait until confirm prompt window exists and has focus where WinTitle=Confirm and ahk_class=TMessageForm
WinWaitActive, Confirm ahk_class TMessageForm, &No, 600
ControlSend, TMessageButton2, {Enter}, ahk_class TMessageForm ;deny creating local folder during synchronized browsing
SendInput, {Alt down}{F2}{Alt up}{Up}{Enter} ;on remote server, traverse back to parent
SendInput, {Ctrl down}{Alt down}b{Ctrl up}{Alt up} ;re-enable synchronized browsing