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Re: Delete Files - Permission denied

Anonymous wrote:

Edit: In WS FTP Pro there is in the User settings an option named 'Show home folder as root'... Now everingthing works fine !!!

Thanks for sharing the information!

Re: Delete Files - Permission denied

Ralf wrote:


I don't know. But I found this message

It's the same problem (with WS FTP Por as server).


Edit: In WS FTP Pro there is in the User settings an option named 'Show home folder as root'... Now everingthing works fine !!!

Re: Delete Files - Permission denied

I do not see why the slash at the beginning is a problem. Why the server does not accept it?

Delete Files - Permission denied

I use WinSCP V 4.2.7 as Client, the Server is WS FTP Pro 7.

The Code I use is something like that:
get -delete *.txt "D:\Beispiel FTP Transfer\Download vom Transparenztool\*.txt"

and I get Permission denied. In the log-file I can see something like this:

Deleting file "7886701145_137_2010.txt".
DELE /export/tsnl_no/7886701145_137_2010.txt
450 Deletion failed

The problem is the / at the beginning. In the Command-Line this will delete the file:

Executing user defined command.
dele export/tsnl_no/7886701145_137_2010.txt
250 deleted
Getting current directory name.

How can I change my script so that there is no / at the beginning of the commmands? Or is this only a Problem of WS FTP Pro 7 (FileZilla works fine)?
