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Re: I have a related suggestion.

martin wrote:

Thanks for your suggestions.

50tonrobot wrote:

Also it would be nice if when a non-mutual folder is accessed (in the warning that appears) there could be an option to simply go back to the last mutual folder and not turn off synchronization; perhaps a button that just says [go back].

AutoHotKey workaround to always cancel for anyone who may want it

; Program: WinSCP 

; Issue: Sychronized Browsing - Always "No"
; Workaround:
;   1. Wait for WinSCP commander interface window to exist
;   2. Wait for confirmation prompt for creating local folder
;   3. Always deny creating local folder
;   4. Return to now-descended parent folder on remote
;   5. Re-enable Sychronized Browsing feature

DetectHiddenText, off  ;will not search hidden window text (faster)
DetectHiddenWindows, off  ;will not detect hidden windows (faster)

Loop {  ;continue indefinitely
; WinWait* is event-driven hook implementation consuming 0% cpu while process is stored in RAM
; WinTitle=Confirm AND ahk_class=TMessageForm AND Text=&Yes is not unique to WinSCP, so minimize interference by at least wait indefinitely until WinSCP Commander window exists
WinWait, ahk_class TScpCommanderForm 
;wait until confirm prompt window exists and has focus where WinTitle=Confirm and ahk_class=TMessageForm
WinWaitActive, Confirm ahk_class TMessageForm, &No, 600   
ControlSend, TMessageButton2, {Enter}, ahk_class TMessageForm  ;deny creating local folder during synchronized browsing
SendInput, {Alt down}{F2}{Alt up}{Up}{Enter}  ;on remote server, traverse back to parent
SendInput, {Ctrl down}{Alt down}b{Ctrl up}{Alt up}  ;re-enable synchronized browsing

Re: I have a related suggestion.

Thanks for your suggestions.

50tonrobot wrote:

What if there was an option in the session settings (in the section where you set the local and remote directory); to automatically synchronize browsing when a new session is opened.

Also it would be nice if when a non-mutual folder is accessed (in the warning that appears) there could be an option to simply go back to the last mutual folder and not turn off synchronization; perhaps a button that just says [go back].

I have a related suggestion.

What if there was an option in the session settings (in the section where you set the local and remote directory); to automatically synchronize browsing when a new session is opened.

Also it would be nice if when a non-mutual folder is accessed (in the warning that appears) there could be an option to simply go back to the last mutual folder and not turn off synchronization; perhaps a button that just says [go back].

On a side note, I have the same issue as Rhialto, 'synchronize browsing' is always off when I start a session, regardless of how I close the program; I am using Win7 64-bit with WinSCP Version 4.29 (Build 938) .

Not yet.

Seems I came ask a question the day before the new release comes out... :shock:

I guess this mean there is no beta that include the requested feature? :?

martin wrote:

Right. But there's nothing to test yet.

And at this time 3 months later, is there a beta I can have access to?


Not fixed in newly released version... :cry:

martin wrote:

Right. But there's nothing to test yet. Anyway, the request is tracked.
wow I followed some link to previous comments, didn't know it was already reported back in 2007! November 2007 to be more precise.

Right. But there's nothing to test yet. Anyway, the request is tracked.

martin wrote:

I have tried it. It works. But probably not perfectly yet. It works only if the last components of both local and remote path is the same on startup. So it won't work if you ended in the root on the synchronization, where the condition may not be satisfied.

Exactly (sorry for late answer). I'm ready to test the new beta, I think we can have access to it when we donated, right?

I have tried it. It works. But probably not perfectly yet. It works only if the last components of both local and remote path is the same on startup. So it won't work if you ended in the root on the synchronization, where the condition may not be satisfied.

BTW I also tried it at work (XP this time) and same thing, it does not remember from previous session.

Have you tried it? I start WinSCP, click the browse button, quit and restart it and browse is not clicked.

Also, since you said it is supposed to work, maybe this should be moved into the Bug reports forum and a ticket opened?

Re: Remember Synchronize browsing

I'll send you a debug version.

Re: Remember Synchronize browsing

martin wrote:

It should be enabled if you have exited WinSCP while having it enabled.

It does not. I was on XP with 4.24 I think then had to move to Win7 and updated to 4.27 and it never worked, each time the 1st thing I do is press the Sync button.

It would be nice if remembered for each session. If it is supposed to work, what could make it not work on my computer?

Re: Remember Synchronize browsing

It should be enabled if you have exited WinSCP while having it enabled.

Remember Synchronize browsing

Synchronize browsing is always disabled on startup, could it remember for each session if it was turned on?

I looked in Options/Preferences and saw nothing about that.

Thank you.