Oh, didn't see that, I'll try to look more precisely next time, thanks! (:
- plsnhat
I am also very thankful for this great product (: At the moment I am looking for a possibility to keep more than 500 directories up to date and it seems that you, gavbaa, implemented a solution (: Would you mind to tell me how to do this?
Where does the 500 limit restrict you? I believe WinSCP asks you if you want to continue nevertheless.
I am also very thankful for this great product (: At the moment I am looking for a possibility to keep more than 500 directories up to date and it seems that you, gavbaa, implemented a solution (: Would you mind to tell me how to do this?
First, I added the filter of ".svn". That didn't work, it still checked all the .svn folders. So I connected to the server, removed all the .svn folders on there. Be-yoooo-tiful! I don't know why that made a difference, but I believe that was the only change I had made up to that point.
void __fastcall TCustomScpExplorerForm::DoSynchronize(
TSynchronizeController * /*Sender*/, const AnsiString LocalDirectory,
const AnsiString RemoteDirectory, const TSynchronizeParamType & Params)
TCopyParamType CopyParam = GUIConfiguration->CopyParam;
CopyParam.PreserveTime = true;
AnsiString Path = LocalDirectory;
bool Allow = true;
while (Allow && !Path.IsEmpty())
Path = ExcludeTrailingBackslash(Path);
Allow = CopyParam.AllowTransfer(ExtractFileName(Path));
AnsiString ParentPath = ExtractFilePath(Path);
if (Path == ParentPath)
Path = "";
Path = ParentPath;
if (Allow)
Synchronize(LocalDirectory, RemoteDirectory, smRemote, CopyParam,
Params.Params | TTerminal::spNoRecurse | TTerminal::spUseCache |
catch(Exception & E)
ShowExtendedExceptionEx(Terminal, &E);
|->...(more files here)...
|->...(more files here)...