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Topic review


I sent the debug log to you.

Done. The subject of my mail is winscp forum topic "Consistent temp names for editing"


Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

version 4.2.5 build 624

What version of WinSCP are you using?

This is all within the same run.

1)Connect to my server with WinSCP.
2)Double-click a file in WinSCP to edit it. Opens a temp file on my local machine.
3) Edit the file, close it. WinSCP writes it to my server.
4) Double-click the file again, WinSCP opens it in a brand new temp file.

Re: Consistent temp names for editing

Do you to persist the path across runs of WinSCP? Because with the same run, WinSCP should use the same path.

Consistent temp names for editing


I'd like to request a feature to have the temporary file name be the same when opening a given file for editing.

For example, the Vim editor will remember things about your file (bookmarks, folds, debug tags, etc) when you close the file. If you open that file again, it will restore your bookmarks etc.

However, WinSCP creates a new temp file each time you edit it i.e. something like ".../scp12345/..." the first time and ".../scp67890/..." the second time. This ruins the ability of the editor to "remember" things for you about how you want the file set up for editing as it thinks it's opening a new file every time.

So, ideally, WinSCP could have some kind of setting whereby it would always use the same temp file for a given file path on a given host.


P.S. WinSCP is *awesome*, thanks for making it!