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Both. but you cannot have server on the left. But you can show the directory tree on the right panel and drag files to the tree.

this in which interface?
I think explorer
or for both?
if also possible in norton interface, how can to have in left panel
not pc's dir but server's dir?

Re: drag and drop for to move copy files or dir

No. But you can drag the files from remote file list to remote directory tree.

drag and drop for to move copy files or dir

In the calssic interface is easily to move or copy
a file from PC to remote (server).
There are two windows:
Left:a list of the pc's files/dir
Right: a list of the server's files/dir;

is possible to have both how server's list where one can to do the same operations (drag and drop) ?

notice with Explorer's interface isn't possible to do
this operations;