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Topic review


This way you cannot make dir1 recursive and dir2 non-recursive. It is hard to find a syntax for this without breaking the backwards compatibility too much. For the same reason I cannot make recursive mode the default one.

I see your point on the flexibility but maybe it would be better to specify if there should be recurrsion on the command line with a parameter to the "option include". Something like;

option include "<dir1>; <dir2>" R
for recurrsion or;

option include "<dir1>; <dir2>" NR

for No Recurrsion. The recurrsion parameter would be the default if nothing is specified.
I think this would make it more intuitive while keeping the flexibility.

Re: "option include" functionality

rclerkin wrote:

If I am correct with the above statements then I'd like to suggest that the include functionality be changed so that eveything within the included directory is also included

Maybe it is not intuitive, but it is quite flexible. It allows both recursive and non-recursive inclusion.

"option include" functionality


I've been trying to figure out the option include and exclude features of winscp.
I've been having a conversation with myself over at this topic which describes what I've seen.

I believe the "option include" feature works in a counter intuitive way as it doesn't seem to include files and folders recurrsively.

When you exclude a directory eveything within that directory is excluded
When you include a directory nothing within that directory is included

If I am correct with the above statements then I'd like to suggest that the include functionality be changed so that eveything within the included directory is also included