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Topic review


@Tom123: There's a competition for new logo running.

Also might be a good idea to update the program icon itself. A good set of free high quality icons can be found here...

Although I'm not sure what the icon should show really.

Thanks for your offer. I'll consider that.

This issue has been added to tracker.

If you could draw up a quick summary of which icons are missing from that famfamfam set, we can have a look at how big a potential icon update would be.

I'm not amazing at icons, but if it wasn't too big of a job I might be able to help create some icons - this might also consist of just playing around with or merging existing icons.

@Tom123: Thanks for hint. These are nice icons. But who will draw me the icons that are not there? :-(

Yes. Pretty much all the icons on the toolbar and in the file menus are a bit out of date.

There are some fantastic free icons from famfamfam which would do the job superbly. <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

I agree, the toolbar icons could use an overhaul :) It looks quite good if you set it to the Windows Office 2003 look, the icons just look a bit out of place.

Re: Interface Update

Tom123 wrote:

Just wondered if there was any chance the user interface would be updated? Its a good solid program, although it just looks far too old with those win95 icons.

Do you mean toolbar icons?

Interface Update


Just wondered if there was any chance the user interface would be updated? Its a good solid program, although it just looks far too old with those win95 icons.

I'm using Vista so an interface with supported the standard UI controls built in would make it look a lot more up to date. When you choose 'system' style interface, it doesn't use the system 'look' at all, it just uses a win95 sort of style.
