vlinx Re: Feature request: WinSCP to support ssh-agent for Windows 2024-05-16 09:17 Thanks Martin for getting back to me. I have emailed PuTTY team about this, waiting for their response.
martin Re: Feature request: WinSCP to support ssh-agent for Windows 2024-05-16 As mentioned in the tracker, it's more likely to be done, if you ask PuTTY team for it.
vlinx Feature request: WinSCP to support ssh-agent for Windows 2024-05-14 05:05 Please allow support of Windows OpenSSH agent pipe. The name of the Windows OpenSSH agent pipe, default is: \.\pipe\openssh-ssh-agent (Get-ChildItem \.\pipe).FullName | FindStr ssh\.\pipe\openssh-ssh-agent The community has some complicated solutions, see below. But they are very inconvenience. https://github.com/ndbeals/winssh-pageant https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/wishlist/win-pageant-openssh-interop.html Related topic: https://winscp.net/tracker/1682 https://sourceforge.net/p/putty-nd/feature-requests/42/ https://github.com/kingToolbox/WindTerm/issues/1963