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Topic review


Then, the following will disable statistics collection:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface]

For users that do not have that registry value yet, the following will take effect

The Preferences shows 'Windows registry' as the source of configuration.

Re: No .ini file on workstation, changing registry does not modify application preference settings

But that does the Storage page in Preferences show as a source of configuration?

If preferences show that statistics are collected, they are collected.

No .ini file on workstation, changing registry does not modify application preference settings

There are no INI files on the workstation at either of the locations mentioned from that document page, none in AppData folder of current user, and no file in user\Document\WinSCP folder (no folder at all).

If the parameters are set in the registry (no update check, no usage tracking), and the application sets its preferences based on Windows registry, does that mean that is how the application is functioning regardless of what the actual in-app preference is showing?

The checkbox is directly linked to the CollectUsage configuration key.

Start by checking, where does your WinSCP instance load the configuration from in the first place.
Maybe there's some stray INI file that override the registry.

Reviewing the registry for local users, I can see the CollectUsage stat. Does this key being set to 0 mean that there will not be any usage data tracked and sent even if the checkbox within the application is still showing as selected?

The changes/configurations set during the installation seem to take effect from a registry standpoint, but are not reflected within the application when opening Preferences. Is it possible for the application to reflect the registry changes? I have closed and launched the application multiple times and have also tested with a workstation restart.

Thank you

Re: Configuring WinSCP to disable anonymous usage statistics - Tasks and registry edits not working

The enableupdates\enablecollectusage enables the statistics. Remove it.

The DefaultCollectUsage is default. Maybe the user under which you are testing it, has its own configuration in CollectUsage under HKCU\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface.

Configuring WinSCP to disable anonymous usage statistics - Tasks and registry edits not working

I am trying to package WinSCP for use in an organization and currently the option for sending anonymous usage statistics is enabled when the application is launched. I have reviewed the documentation to disable the feature but both options are proving ineffective and I have not been able to find additional information in the forums regarding the issue.

It is packaged in a PowerShell App Deploy Toolkit and in the Parameters portion, we have this right now:
-Parameters /ALLUSERS /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /TASKS='enableupdates,enableupdates\enablecollectusage,sendtohook,urlhandler'

I have also tried editing the registry keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\ for DefaultCollectUsage and DefaultUpdatePeriod by setting their values to 0 instead of the default 1 and 7 respectively.

Any thoughts on this situation would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you