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Topic review

Soma Mehra

Thanks for confirming, Martin.

Soma Mehra

Hi Martin, thanks for checking.
Does that log mean as below?
Transferred : 8,944 : Indicates the total number of bytes transferred.
Elapsed: 0::00::00: Represents the duration of the transfer, in this case, it's zero seconds because the transfer completed quickly.
CPS: 77,773/s : Stands for "Characters Per Second" or "Bytes Per Second". In this case, it indicates the speed of the transfer, specifying how many bytes per second were transferred during the operation.

Re: Regarding finding real time file upload speed in WinSCP

I can see the speed in the log:
. 2023-12-04 18:31:00.629 Copying finished: Transferred: 8,944, Elapsed: 0:00:00, CPS: 77,773/s
Soma Mehra

Regarding finding real time file upload speed in WinSCP

Hi Team, could you please provide guidance on determining real-time file upload speed in WinSCP. We have checked our log file but unable to find the speed. Our client is using batch process to upload the file and we are trying to monitor the speed. I've attached our log file for reference. How can we achieve this?