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Re: /

@ericapo: I do not understand. What prevents you from selecting the files to download with WinSCP, the way you can select them in any other file transfer application? S3 or not.


This appears to be normal behavior for WinSCP when uploading to S3. WinSCP does not support selective updating of existing files in S3. Instead, it downloads all the files in the folder, even if they already exist in S3. To achieve this S3 upload behavior, you can use a third party app like Cyberduck or SFTPGo. These applications allow you to select files to upload and update existing files in S3.

Re: "Transfer setting" S3 "New file or update only" not applying

The option is disabled for S3, isn't it? So how did you enable it in "upload's popup setting"?

It's disabled, because it cannot work with S3 protocol. The S3 protocol has no way to update uploaded file timestamps. Without that, how can WinSCP know, what files were updated?


"Transfer setting" S3 "New file or update only" not applying


I'm using WinSCP with my S3 OVHcloud Cold storage.
Everything is okay, except for this.
I selected "new file or update only" (translated from French, maybe not the exact same words) in general settings. Also in upload's popup setting.
When pasting a folder to upload, every file, even old ones, are uploaded again.
Is this normal behavior or a bug?
Is there a way to manage to have this kind of behavior with my S3 uploads?