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Re: Warning When Upgrading to Version 6.1.1

That's what you get if you turn on
Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Choose where to get apps > Anywhere, but warn me before installing an app that's not from the Microsoft Store.

You should be getting that warning for any (non-Store) installation. Not just for WinSCP.
If you do not like it, turn the option off. There should be even a link for that on the very message.

In general, it's just a way Microsoft pushes users to use their Store. WinSCP is in the Store too, if you prefer that:

Warning When Upgrading to Version 6.1.1

I get this message when I start the install procedure. I know it's just a warning, but it makes me very uncomfortable about upgrading to this version.
The app you're trying to install isn't a Microsoft-verified app
Installing apps from the Store helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly.