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Re: Can't Access Directory

OMG this worked thanks so much!!!!!!!
I used the command
call SITE FIXrecfm 128 Lrecl=128 Recfm=FB BlockSize=6144

and put it back in passive mode

Re: Can't Access Directory

My script is:
option batch abort
option confirm off
cd PEDT.A019
get FMS1.FG0C.PUBOUT.G0154V0

I also tried using the absolute address of the file but I run into the same problem. It seems it is able to change the directory to the one I want but the error occurs in the ls where it says "error listing directory". Without the ls, the error occurs in the get command saying cannot get attributes of file No datasets found.

Re: Can't Access Directory

So what did you try actually? Did you try cd command? Or using absolute paths in the get command?

Please show us what did you try and how did it fail. Log files might be useful too.

Can't Access Directory

Hello, I am new to WinSCP (I'm just an intern). I have to write a script that gets files from a very old IBM database to local machines. I can only access this directory by typing the path into remote server in the advanced settings tab when I first open WinSCP. I cannot find the directory otherwise and could not find it when searching with a mask either. I made sure to not hide files! I am also unable to access any of these files or the directory in the script. Any help would be greatly appreciated