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Topic review


Slow remote directory retrieval.

Thank you for responding. I think now that the new version is not the problem. I was able to re-install 5.15.9 and the problem still is happening. So it must be a coincidence that the problem arose around the time of the update. I did not have logging turned on but I will turn it on and see if there are any clues.

Re: Slow remote directory retrieval.

What is the latest version that did not have the problem?
You can download all past versions of WinSCP from:
Please post logs from the last version that does not have the problem and the first version that does.

Slow remote directory retrieval.

Since updating to 5.21.7 I have had very slow responses from my FTP server, especially it seems when retrieving a directory. I have not intentionally changed any settings. Any clues to what may be happening? I am not seeing a lot of angst about this version on this forum.