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Topic review


Dear Martin,
Thank you so much for the reply, I forwarded it to the developers.
It now works, as it turned out that the developers had made a misspelling, so the two connections did not appear.

Thanks again, Rob

Re: .ini file with multiple sessions

As long as the sessions have different names, simply appending contents of the two INI files should do.

If you have problems, we need some examples of INI files that does not work as expected.

.ini file with multiple sessions


We operate a web store whose product images, documents and other necessary files are uploaded via WinSCP. To do this, we received an .ini file from the developers of the web store.
We are setting up another web store with the same developers, for which the files to be uploaded would also have to be uploaded via WinSCP. We also got a .ini file for this, which is different from the previous one.
I tried to merge the contents of the two .ini files into one file, but it didn't work because only the first [Sessions \ *******] appeared and worked.
My question is how can I resolve both .ini files to be handled by WinSCP?
WinSCP version: 5.19.2 (Build 11614)

Thanks, Rob